Innovation by DX

IT for Society

Privacy Policy
Declaration of Basic Policy

We are committed to keep privacy of any personal information, considering importance of personal information protection, as well as our corporate social responsibility of proper utilization and protection.

1.Personal Information Definition

Personal information is information on individuals, which may identify a specific individual, including name, birthday, sex, phone number, mail address, ocupation, workplace, and so on.

2.Personal Information Collection and Utilization

We may collect and utilize personal information. Our activities on personal information are applicable to pre-defined purposes as described below.

Our personal information collection and utilization starts from customers' voluntary provision. Any personal information provision indicates customers' approval of our utilization of information in conformity with this policy.

♦Any operations required for our service provision

♦Any notifications which may be valid and necessary for customers, such as new product information.

♦Any inquiries from us, which are necessary for our normal tasks, and our customer satisfaction survey.

♦Any responses on customers' inquiries

3.Personal Information Provision to Third Parties

We don't provide any personal information to third parties on no advance approval of individuals, except on any legitimate reasons, such as legal requests.

4.Partner Administration

We may provide some of personal information to our partners, for the purpose of our normal tasks, such as our products or services deployment. In that case, we administer partners on proper personal information management

5.Personal Information Management

We define Personal Information Administrator, who protects and manages any personal information properly, to avoid disclosure, elimination or destruction.

6.Inquiry, Modification, and Deletion of Personal Information

We respond to any request on inquiry, modification, or deletion of personal information provided by customers, to reasonable extent, after individual identification.