Innovation by DX

IT for Society

Specific Personal Information Basic Policy
1.Corporation Name

Realinite Co., Ltd.

2.Basic Policy Declaration

Realinite Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 'Our Company') defines our basic policy (hereinafter referred to as 'This Policy') on safe and proper management on personal information and personal information with individual identification number (hereinafter referred to as 'Specific Personal Information') , in order to keep security on specific personal information.

3.Law and Guide Line Compliance

Our company complies with 'Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in the Administrative Procedure', 'Guide Line on Proper Utilization of Specific Personal Information(For Corporations)', 'Act on the Protection of Personal Information', and related guide lines pubished by ministries, with regards to specific personal information administration.

4.Disclosure to Third Parties

Our company doesn't disclose any specific personal information to third parties, except in the following cases.

♦To be approved by individuals

♦To be necessary for banks who settle payments before product or service procurement

♦To utilize without individual identification (Statistics Analysis, etc.)

♦To recognize your inquiries as appropriate to address to our partners

♦To be requested on laws

5.Questions or Inquiries about Personal Information

Access 'Contact' form to send questions or inquiries about our policy on specific personal information.